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Not my will, but thine be done

Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” - Words of Jesus, Luke 22:42

Today I take this verse from Bible. One of my favorite verses from the Bible, spoken by lord Jesus. A couple of important aspects, that I would like to highlight on this quote. This may be a bit longer post so please bear with me.

Why God's will is better than ours

Because we have very little insight on anything. All we gather is the little insights that we can gather through five small windows called the five senses (I have spoken in detail about it in Day 2's wisdom quote here.

So it makes sense to let the God take over the reins of our life.

What about Free Will?

Another question that frequently occurs while thinking about this quote, Gods will does not render our free will useless. Let me try to explain it through a story

Once upon a time an young lad who just completed his evangelical course got an opportunity to spread the God's word to the natives of a small hamlet within the dense jungles of Amazon. This opportunity was given to many others before but was passed up due to the hardships one has to endure. This young lad though accepted this because he believed strongly "not my will, but thine be done".

To prepare him to the dangers of the jungle, his school arranged coaching from a leading survival experts. Once the survival expert taught all the basic skills, he gave him a parting gift. A well decorated box. The lad curiously opened it and saw a revolver and six bullets.

You may need it, the expert said. If in the jungle, any wild beast charges towards you, face the revolver up and do a sky shot. The beast would mostly run away, out of fear. In spite of this, if its still keeps charging, then point the revolver towards the beast and fire a round. You would have good chances against it. he said.

What? the lad asked. Thanks for the advice but I can't take this. I am but Gods servant and he will protect me. he said and returned the gift back.

On the day of his travel, he caught a flight to nearby city and landed there. He took a cab to the village in the edge of the Jungle and there he met a native who would take him by walk to the hamlet.

The native wished him and he gave him a paste and ask him to apply all over his body. Why? the lad asked.

We need to travel through the dense forest full of wild animals. This paste is prepared using forest herbs whose stench will keep the beasts at bay. he said.

Well, the lad said. God is my only savior and I see no need for this. the lad rejected the offer.

Then both of them started walking through the dense jungle.

As they were walking they saw a footprint. The native checked it, he knelt and picked up the dirt.

Its still warm he said. This he the footprint of a lone elephant. They rarely move alone, he said. something seems amiss.

when both of them were standing there they saw a young tusker elephant ferociously charging towards.

Run!! the native shouted and both ran in two different directions. The tusker left the native and chased the young lad.

O God!! save me the lad prayed. But the tusker was too fast for him. Before he had any time to react, the tusker had grabbed around his waist and banged him on a big tree.

The world grew dark around him.

Slowly, the lad woke up to a blinding light. He saw a comfy bed in which he was lying and saw a couple of young girls fanning him. Where am I? He asked.

Heaven!!! one of them said. Rest well.

That means I am dead? he asked. well yes .. the other answered.

The lad was overcome with sorrow. Can I meet with God? he enquired.

Of course, they said. Go right in to his chambers. They pointed a door.

The Lad walked in. The room seemed empty, He was not sure if its a bad dream.

Welcome son!!! a booming voice called out. Hope you recovered well.

Well.. yes Father!! he said, I thought its your will for me to preach the jungle dwellers your word.

Yes my son.. the voice answered.

Then why didn't you save me and let me to die? the lad asked.

O I tried! First as the survival expert I tried to give you the firearm for self defense and then as the native tried to have you apply the herbal paste. Both times you rejected.. The God Answered.

Oh God.. I thought miracle is your way? the lad replied shockingly.

Yes my son.. absolutely.. what is more miraculous than the body and mind that I gave you? The sixth sense? Know that that is my gift as well. A lot of you think being spiritual means give up the rational and logical sense, the willful action , without realizing that it is in fact my hand that works through them.

I understand God. The lad replied.. with a heavy heart.. if only I had known better.. he blurted.

The God started laughing.. His laughter echoed all through the hall..

Oh.. my son, still sleeping? isn't it time to pack? the head of the school asked. You are starting early tomorrow.

The lad suddenly came woke up.. he can see its the early morning. He felt the cool mist and the fragrance from the garden through his bedroom window.

Are you so tired? the master asked. No Sir The lad answered. Thank God Now I am Awake he answered, still lost in his thought.

I had to go back to the survival expert for getting a little something.. he jumped off from his bed....

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